Brand : Aunt Jemima - Pancake & Waffle Mixes
Flavor : Buttermilk
Ingredients : Angereichertes Weizermehl, Nicotinsaure, Reduziertes Risen, Thiamin Mononitrate, Farbstoff E-101, Folsaure, Zucker, Saureregulator E-500, Stabilisator E-521, Saureregulator E-341, Glucose, Tailweise Getrocknetes Sojaol Mit Emulgator E-471, Fattfreies Milchpulver, Salz, Eier, Antfettates Sojamehl, Sojabohnenol - Emulgator E-322, Maisstarke, Natriumkaseinat, Molke, Carrageen, Weizengluten, Fullstoff E-412, Naturliches Aroma.
Weight : 32 Ounces
About this item
- Complete Pancake & Waffle Mix lets you share a stack of pancakes with a light and fluffy texture on the busiest of mornings.
- It has the tasty sweetness of Aunt Jemima pancakes with the tangy taste of buttermilk.
- It is also low fat